Meet erica
Why Erica A. Stewart
Hello, my name is Erica A. Stewart.
I am a longtime resident of San Luis Obispo, beginning with my time studying at Cal Poly in 1990. After earning a master’s degree in public administration from the University of San Francisco, my family returned to San Luis Obispo to put down roots. As my husband, Shay, and I have raised our family here, my connection to the community deepens. My volunteerism, philanthropy, and career choices have been focused on education, diversity, homeless issues, growth for women and girls, small-business success, and economic vitality.
As a Lecturer for the College of Liberal Arts, my engagement with the university’s other faculty, staff, and students inspires me daily. Connecting with neighbors—from students and new arrivals to longtime residents—reminds me just how wonderful our community is. I believe there are many opportunities for us to learn from each other and find common ground as we wrestle with our city’s most pressing issues.
I have strived to build a healthier and stronger San Luis Obispo throughout my professional and civic career, which spans many industries. I’ve been a Human Resources Specialist in manufacturing, health care, and SLO County Superior Court; served as Chief Operating Officer at United Way; worked in restaurant management and catering; and even owned my own small business, a wholesale bakery.
My volunteerism spans a broad cross-section of the community. Here are some of the wonderful organizations with which I’ve had the privilege to serve:
· Cal Poly Alumni Association (President)
· SLO County Civil Service Commission (Vice President)
· Women’s Legacy Fund Advisory Committee
· Legislative Action Committee, SLO
Chamber of Commerce (Chairperson)
· SLO Nazarene: Homeless Services Coordinator
· Leadership SLO (Class 15 and Class 19 Chair)
· Downtown Association Board of Directors
· Friends of Prado Board of Directors
· Goodwill Board of Directors
I am passionate about being engaged and helping to improve people’s lives, and I believe strongly in building a community that empowers every individual to be self-sustaining. Most of all, I want the continued opportunity of bringing these passions and commitments to the SLO City Council as your Mayor. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a bit more. I look forward to continuing our work to build a stronger and healthier San Luis Obispo!